Wall Screeding & Painting is inevitable if you would like to achieve 100% wall smoothness, and this is done as part of pre-painting routine. In screeding, you basically use a long flat board to apply a pop screeding paint against a pliable surface to smoothen it. Screeding can be done on any surface not only on walls e.g. floors, or any other wavy surface to level it up before painting or laying wallpaper. For instance, you might have once filled up a wall crack in your house with some compounds such as cement to fix the crack, and then tried to smoothen it. That is a kind of screeding.
The screed board is dragged back and forth to level-up your wall or floor surface with materials such as POP cement, and our flagship Accurate POP Screeding Paint and Multi-purpose Bond. After the screeding, you do finishing by polishing the screeded surface with sand/polish paper before painting. Wall screeding is very important because of the smoothness it gives to your walls.
A screed has a length of 2 by 4 that is pulled across the wet material to even or smoothen it down. There are various types of screeds being used:
+ Wooden Screed
It is made of tough wooden material constructed as a bar for surface smoothing in masonry. Wooden screeds are most commonly used by artisans in developing localities probably because of its affordability unlike aluminum alloy screeds which are quite expensive.
+ Aluminum Screed
It is composed of aluminum bar that is pulled across the wet surface to smooth it down. Aluminum screeds are most commonly used because of their greater efficiency and as they provide a rather straighter edge. Sometimes, they are available as aluminum alloy screeds which are quite expensive and are used as a fancier tool for professional masonry.
+ Motorized Screed
For high efficacy and proficiency, a motorized screed that comes with a long handle in popularly used by top level builders and construction companies. It helps to eliminate extra effort that a labor has to put on while tugging and bending in the case of manual screeding.
Screeding your wall before painting brings out the real beauty and quality of your paint. It gives it a more compact and beautiful look than does only painting your wall. They must be considered as an essential option before painting as they give a perfect outlook to your walls. Screeding helps to remove any cracks, flaws, or holes in your walls.
When you properly level-off your wall with screeding before applying a quality paint over it, it helps you not only get a perfect look for your wall but also strengthen the integrity of your painting – it won’t wear off so easily.
In fact, silk and shiny paints on a screeded wall give a perfect outlook of high-quality interior designs. For a perfectly smooth and shiny walls, screeding before painting is a highly recommended.
Wall Screeding Materials
The practice of wall screeding has become increasingly popular around the world, especially in our local Nigerian market, which we serve. It is important to know that before a wall surface is screeded, you need to know the materials you require.
Plaster of Paris (POP Cement)
Plaster of Paris is one of the finest and most commonly used screeding material that gives your walls fine finish and smooth look. A POP mix requires two ingredients including the gypsum powder also known as POP cement and the special Accurate POP Screeding Paint. It hardens quickly and so you need to mix them in small amounts.
Bonded Sand Screed
This is the most traditional form of mixing material used in houses, buildings and to fill the little cracks in walls or floors. But this type of screed fails when the material does not bind properly with its substrate which in this case is sand. This type of bonded screeds should always be thin to apply it properly and getting the perfect results.
Cement Sand Screed
This is a traditional sort of screed that is used for wide applications. Their specification requires proper mixing and the most common drawback is their drying time. But these screeds are not workable in damp or humid weather conditions or a place where wetting can occur. Moreover, the products and quality may vary from seller to seller.
Calcium Sulfate pumpable self-smoothing screed
They can be expanded or laid at a much wider area than does the cement sand screed. They are best in quality when mixed in appropriate proportions and maintaining the specifications. They can be applied to all kinds of walls and floors as the material is highly durable.
There are some basic factors you should consider before buying a wall screeding paint for your project:
There are some other factors you should consider when planning a screeding for your walls;
Importantly, you must ensure all electrical, plumbing and allied works that require wall pathing have been completed before you embark on screeding – simply because it is part of the finishing phase of any building/renovation or construction project.